Hampshire Harvest - Robert Potter

Hardback - Very Good Condition


‘A HARVEST OF RECOLLECTIONS and a tribute to Hampshire’ is Robert Potter’s own description of his book. First published in 1977, it rapidly achieved great popularity throughout the County, perhaps especially in those areas that have usually been neglected by other writers. In reminding us what Hampshire was like in the early years of this century, the author, in a light, vigorous and engaging style, reveals a thorough knowledge of its history, people, buildings and wild life; taking the reader into little-known places that ‘still go unmentioned in county guides’ but are within easy reach.

After. some years out of print, the demand for a reprint of this mellow, timeless tribute to old Hampshire had reached a clamour, from Basingstoke to Bournemouth and from Andover to Aldershot. Its re-issue in an enlarged and improved format will be warmly welcomed in every corner of the County, making available once more a unique distillation of the Hampshire scene and countryside with a wealth of detailed information and a stimulating perspective not to be found in any other account. As the reviewers, a selection of whose comments is given on the inside back flap of this jacket, made plain, this is an essential book for the Hampshire resident or visitor.

1 in stock


Hampshire Harvest: A Traveller’s Notebook by Robert Potter

In a very good condition. Very slight creasing to the edges of the dust jacket. The dust jacket has had the price cut. There is an inscription inside the front cover. All pages are clean and intact. See photos for more details.

Additional information

Weight 572 g
Dimensions 24 × 16 × 2.7 cm




Robert Potter