How to Win Any Slogan Competition - Angelina Kaye

Paperback - Very Good Condition


This book is the compers’ antidote to the equivalent of writer’s block;  just as the prize of a Caribbean cruise or new hi-fi looms tantalisingly close with only the tie-break slogan to be completed in 12 words or less… inspiration deserts you and your mind goes a blank!

That is the time to reach for How to Win Any Slogan Competition; 12,000 winning slogans, organised by subject and keywords, representing the distilled genius of thousands of compers’ minds and sure to dislodge even the most severe of inspiration blocks and set you on the road to prizes galore!

These slogans have been selected throughout the author’s own – very successful – comping career and have all won competitions at one time or another.

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How to Win Any Slogan Competition by Angelina Kaye

In a very good condition. Some creasing to the spine. See photos for more details.

Additional information

Weight 322 g
Dimensions 19.7 × 12.9 × 2.4 cm




Angelina Kaye